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Frequently Asked Questions

Read our frequently asked questions about Cambridgeshire Recovery Service:

What if I am out of area?

Our community groups are open to anyone, no matter where you live - as long as you are able to attend. Our additional support programme requires our members to live within Cambridgeshire.


Can I still come if I don’t have a substance issue?

While we are predominately a community for those affected by substance use, our community groups are open to friends and family or anyone who has questions about recovery.


What if my loved one isn’t in treatment?

We have a weekly online 'friends and family' group every Wednesday 2:00pm - 4:00pm specifically for loved ones of people with substance addiction. Friends and family can attend this group regardless of whether their loved one is in recovery with Cambridgeshire Recovery Service or any other organisation. Find out more about this group on our online calendar


I’m not in “recovery”, can I still attend?

We understand that everyone is at different stages of their recovery journey and waiting lists for services can be long. Our community is open to everyone at any stage of recovery, however we do require our members to be well enough to attend and engage appropriately. 


When/ How can I self refer?

You can contact us at any time through our contact page for information about the groups and cafes we run.  If you are seeking additional support to maintain your recovery then we ask that you have been abstinent for at least six weeks, have a goal to remain abstinent and that you want to engage with a recovery community. 


Are you open on Bank Holidays?

Our groups do not run on bank holidays. Occasionally we may host an alternative group, event or activities on bank holidays. These will be advertised on our social media (Facebook and Instagram) accounts. Information about bank holiday events are also included in our monthly newsletter. Click here to subscribe.


Can you support me with Social Care?

We are an open recovery community and are not able to attend meetings with social care or feedback on attendance.


Can you provide drug testing/ breathalysing?

We do not offer drug testing or breathalysing.


Can I bring my dog?

Some of our venues are dog friendly and some are not.  Please check with the facilitator before bringing your dog to a café. We also ask that any dogs attending are well trained and kept on leads.


Do I have to pay?

We are a charity organisation and receive our funding from Change Grow Live

We do not charge fees to attend our groups. 


Do I have to stay?

Our recovery cafe's and many of our groups operate on a 'drop-in' basis. Although we have scheduled times for different activities within our groups there is no commitment to stay for the entire session. You can drop in and out as it suits you.


Can I bring a friend or support worker?

Absolutely.  We understand it can be hard to walk into a new environment alone, if having someone with you makes that easier then they are welcome to join you.


Can I bring my child?

Generally speaking our groups are child-free to allow all members to express themselves freely. Upon occasion we may hold child-friendly groups or activities however this will need to be agreed before groups. Please contact us to discuss this. 


I can’t see anything I want to be involved with, what will you do for me?

Cambridgeshire Recovery Service is led by those in recovery. We do our best to target activities and groups that we have tried and tested to aid recovery. We greatly value feedback from our service users in order to direct the events we organise. We host monthly service user forums to collect feedback and direction as to what our community wants to see more of. Check our online calendar to find the time and location of our next service user forum. Alternatively contact us via email at:


Have a question we haven't answered? 

Please contact us with your query by filling in our contact form of email us directly at


Group Agreement for participation within our recovery community

Ready to join our community?

Fill in our contact form and become a Cambridgeshire Recovery Service member today

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